Rovensa introduced a set of principles in a Supplier Code of Conduct to ensure that suppliers act responsibly and conduct business in line with the values of the Group. The document, now available (link), covers a wide range of matters, from human and labor rights, health and environmental safety, business ethics, and social responsibility, to business practices.
All suppliers are responsible for complying with these sustainability-oriented standards when they conduct business with the Group.
As a global organization, Rovensa aims to create a cascade of sustainable practices that flows throughout the supply chain. The Group is committed to driving responsibility in our supply chain.
To have an impact on a global scale, Rovensa requires, among other standards, that all suppliers maintain safe and professional working environments in which employees are free from violence, harassment, and discrimination, as established in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The ultimate goal of this Supplier Code of Conduct is to share the responsible business standards of Rovensa Group and encourage suppliers to do the same.