Code of Conduct
Rovensa’s Code of Conduct represents a set of principles that guide our activity, with the aim of sustaining a culture of integrity and promoting a responsible, respectful and healthy work environment. Based on our mission, vision and values, the Code of Conduct provides guidelines that are a reference to our behaviours regarding our people, our business, our products and our community.
Whistleblowing Channel
The Whistleblowing Channel was established to facilitate the reporting of any questions or suspected violations of our Code of Conduct. We aim to ensure that our employees and third parties adhere to the highest standards of ethics, practice honesty and integrity, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
If you have something to report, we want to hear about it. Any individual who reports such breaches will be protected from any form of retaliation.
Discover how you can voice your concerns through our Whistleblowing Channel.
Report Here:

Online Platform
PO Box 91880, West Vancouver, British Columbia,
Australia 1800263215
Belgium 0-800-78-771
Brazil 0-800-761-1959
0 8000204124
China 400-120-8514
Colombia 01-800-5185196
Ecuador 1800-000-150
Egypt 0800-000-9884
France 0-800907162
Germany 0-8001806718
Greece 00-800108665216714
Guatemala +502-22786762
Hungary 00-800-2002-0033
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Indonesia PT Indosat 00-18030208158
Indonesia PT Telkom 00-78030208158
Ireland 00-800-2002-0033
Italy 00-800-2002-0033
Kenya 0800-221-371
Malaysia +60 154-877 1090
Mexico 800-099-0642
Netherlands 00-800-2002-0033
Pakistan 00800-90-044-357
Peru (0800)-78215
Philippines 180011100798
Poland 00-8001124717
Portugal +351-308-801-038
Romania 0 800890192
South Africa 080-098-0167
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Spain 00-900 876 122
Taiwan 00-800-2002-0033
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Turkey 00-800-1420-40299
+90 850 390 2162
United Kingdom 0-800-092-3586 44-207-442-57 800-404-9825
United States 1-866-921-6714
Vietname 120-85-2329
Vietname 120-85-2329
Collect Call Number – Ask the operator to place a collect call to
this Canadian number 001-604-922-5953 (Algeria, Ethiopia, Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco, Myanmar)
Check all available phone numbers here: